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When AI Goes Wrong and How to Fix it Fast

Dan Jeffries

Managing Director @ AIIA

Build an AI Red Team to deal with everything from edge cases to outright AI breakdowns, while getting you ready to embrace the latest breakthroughs in explainable AI tomorrow.

With algorithms making more and more decisions in our lives, from who gets a job, to who gets hired and fired, and even who goes to jail, it’s more critical than ever to get our intelligent systems talking to us so people can step in when things go wrong. 

 In the coming decade, organizations will face incredible pressure from regulators and the general public and that means every team needs a plan in place to find and fix mistakes fast or risk PR nightmares and financial disasters. 

We show you how to build an AI Red Team to deal with everything from edge cases to outright AI breakdowns, while getting you ready to embrace the latest breakthroughs in explainable AI tomorrow.